Have you ever tried rowing?

Friday, February 4, 2011


U.S. Rowing is a main rowing organization in the U.S.

Winning a race is always a very exciting moment for a crew.
Each team has different designs and colors on their oars to help visitors pick out their favorite team while they are racing on the water.  These black and yellow oars belong to St. Andrew Rowing Club in Roswell, GA.



Ever wonder how rowing really works?  Here is a video about technique on the erg ad in the boat.


Rowing can be very painful.. Rowers are motivated by the coxswain during the race, but also watch many videos as a team before races.  Here is a very motivational video about rowing. 



     Rowing is commonly mistaken for some other water sport, such as canoeing or kayaking. When ever I tell a classmate or friend that i do rowing, they make an awkward hand gesture.  "Oh, you row?  Like this?"  I often just laugh, and announce that it's too complicated to explain.  Because most of the time, it is.
     As someone who often explains the sport to novice rowers, I am aware that it takes a long time to grasp the full technique of the rowing stroke, and even longer to incorporate the power into it.  A rowing shell consists of 8, 4, 2, or 1 rower, and often, a coxswain.  A coxswain steers the boat and motivates the rowers during races and gruesome workout pieces.
     Rowing shells have speakers through out the entire boat.  They are connected through the boat.  At either the bow or stern is the coxswain seat.  The coxswain connects their cox-box to the boat through a wire.  This will allow the coxswain to see how long the rowers have been rowing, how many strokes they have taken, and the stroke rate of the boat.  The connect a headset with a microphone to this contraption, allowing their voice to be easily heard from bow to stern.  I know the job of a coxswain sounds easy, and physically, it usually is.  As a coxswain, I can tell you it is mentally challenging and keeps you on the edge of your seat, literally


      This is a diagram of a rowing shell.  Rowers row backwards, making port, starboard, bow and stern different from sailing and other boating activities.  Each seat has a number, and the oars generally alternate directions.  The boats are very long.  They have a sliding seat which the rowers sit on, and kick off of a foot stretcher, with connected shoes to take a stroke.